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PV MPPT controller BSDM series

The matching accurate MPPT algorithm significantly improves the conversion efficiency.

Wider voltage range and lower starting voltage can effectively increase power generation hours.

Rack type design, small and light, standard wiring, simple and convenient installation and maintenance.

LCD touch screen is used to display various operating parameters, and relevant parameters can be set.

It has strong environmental adaptability and can be used in high altitude, cold and natural environments.

  • Product description
  • Technical
  • Application

Product overview:

BSDM series photovoltaic controller (MPPT) is specially designed for solar off grid system (independent system),

solar power plant and other systems. The new generation of MPPT controller adopts advanced full digital 

intelligent tracking algorithm. Obtain the maximum power point of the solar module, and have excellent 

charging strategy to protect the battery and extend its service life.

2. Product features

① The matching accurate MPPT algorithm significantly improves the conversion efficiency.

② Wider voltage range and lower starting voltage can effectively increase power generation hours.

③ Rack type design, small and light, standard wiring, simple and convenient installation and maintenance.

④ LCD touch screen is used to display various operating parameters, and relevant parameters can be set.

⑤ It has strong environmental adaptability and can be used in high altitude, cold and natural environments.

Product picture:

  PV MPPT controller BSDM series

Technical parameters:

